Mohamed DOUCH, Ph.D.

Department of Political Science and Economics
Royal Military College of Canada
P.O. Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7K 7B4
Tel. +1.613.541-6000 ext. 3642
mdouch @

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Ph.D., University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Montreal (Qc), Canada

Macroeconomics and Open Economy

M.Sc., University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Montreal (Qc), Canada)

Financial Economics

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Full Professor

Department of Political Science and Economics, Royal Military College of Canada

  • 2018-2019 Chair of Economics




▶ "The Centre for International and Defence Policy" (CIDP), Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.



▶ "The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy" (JDI), Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Associate Professor

Department of Management and Economics (MGE), Royal Military College of Canada

  • 2017-2018 MGE Department Head
  • 2015-2017 MGE Department Deputy Head
  • 2011-2012 Professor in Charge of Economics (PIC)


Assistant Professor

Department of Politics and Economics, Royal Military College of Canada

  • 2006-2010 PIC of Economics
Research Fellow

▶ "Defense Management Studies", Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Research Assistant

▶ CIRPÉE UQAM, Montreal, Qc, Canada.

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CREFÉ - UQAM, Doctoral Scholarship Montreal, Canada


ESG-UQAM, Quebec, CIRPÉE Fellowship Award

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The Centre for Operational Research and Analysis (CORA) and DRDC, DND, Ottawa


Research Fellow at The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy , Queen’s University

2016-Present Research Fellow at The Centre for International and Defence Policy , Queen’s University

Recipient of the academic research program (ARP) Grant , RMCC CDARP GRANTS (Per Academic Years)

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Douch, M. 2006. 'Essays in Open Economy and Monetary Macroeconomics'Thesis Diss., ProQuest Edition. Publication Number: AAT NR23610, ISBN 9780494236109.


Book Chapter(s)

Douch, M., 2015. 'Casting Light on the Arab Spring: Chapter 10'. In Casting Light on the Arab Spring: A Survey of Influential Economic Factors in the Arab Spring Countries Ed. U. Berkok and C. E. Penney.John Deutsch Institute for The Study of Economic Policy, Queen’s University and DRDC (DRDC-CORA, DSTKIM NO: CA040620), Canada

Peer-Reviewed Article(s) in Scholarly Journals

M. Douch, 2020. 'Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Imperfect Pass-Through'Atlantic Economic Journal – Springer, (Forthcoming).

M. Douch, O. Farooq and Y. Kalinina, 2020. 'Exposure to Provincial and National Information and Firm Performance: Crisis Period Evidence from China'International Advances in Economic Research – Springer, (Forthcoming).

Douch M. and B. Solomon, 2018, 'Status or Security: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa Region,'. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, De Gruyter GmbH, Volume 24, Issue 3. DOI:

Douch, M., (2018), 'Asset Returns and Economic Conditions,'. International Advances in Economic Research, Springer, Vol. 24(2).

Douch, M. and B. Solomon, 2016. 'A Dynamic Panel Analysis Using SIPRI’s Extended Military Expenditure Data: The Case of Middle Power Nations'The Economics of Peace and Security Journal. Vol. 11 No 2.

M. Douch, O. Farooq and M. Bouaddi, 2015. 'Stock Price Synchronicity and Tails of Return Distribution'Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. Elsevier, Volume 37, pp, 1–11.

M. Douch and B. Solomon, 2014. 'Middle Powers and the Demand for Military Expenditures'Defence and Peace Economics. Francis & Taylor, Vol. 24, No 6.

N. Essaddam and M. Douch, 2013. 'Short and Long-Term Effects of the 9/11 Events on Stock Returns: The Case of U.S. Defense Firms'Journal of Applied Finance & Banking. Vol. 3, No 3.

M. Douch and N. Essaddam, 2010. 'Monetary policy conduct: A hybrid framework'Journal of Economics and International Finance. Vol. 2 No 7, pp. 127-145.

M. Douch, 2010. 'The Macroeconomic Effects of Monetary Policy and Financial Crisis'The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Çankaya University - JHASS). Vol. 7/1 No 1, pp. 1-35.

M. Douch, 2009. 'Equity Premium in Small Open Economy'Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review (EMEFR). Vol. 4 No 2, pp. 53-69.

Work in Progress or under Review

M. Douch, : 'Inflation-Price-Level Targeting in a Small Open Economy with Imperfect Pass-Through', Working Paper in progress.

M. Douch, : 'Civil conflict and economic shocks: causal effects', Working Paper in progress.

M. Douch, : 'The Continuous Hidden Threshold Mixed Skew-Symmetric Distribution '(Joint with M. Bouaddi and R. Belachmi).

M. Douch, : 'Families of Univariate Skew Distributions'(Joint with M. Bouaddi).

M. Douch, : 'Equity Premium Puzzle in a Data-Rich Environment'(Joint with M. Bouaddi).

M. Douch, : 'Determinant of Military Expenditure in the MENA Region'(Joint with B. Solomon).


Other scholarly publications and manuscripts

M. Douch, : 'A Model of Factors-Reference Preferences'.


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☞ MA Students:



☞ BA Students and BA Thesis Examination (4th year Economic Thesis, ON AVERAGE 5 TO 15 BA STUDENTS SUPERVISED/CO-SUPERVISED PER YEAR):



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■ 2019 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society, Rabat, Morocco, Paper Presentation: “Revisiting Equity Premium Puzzles in a Data-Rich Environment”, Program online - July 2019.

■ International Conference on Economics and Security 2019, Madrid, SPAIN, Paper Presentation: “FDI, Defense Spending and Economic Prosperity in the MENA Region”, Program online - June 2019.

■ 14th Annual Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Discussant: “European burden sharing in counter-piracy operations: A quantitative analysis of military contributions 2009-2017” Program online - October 2019.


■ The Military Expenditure and FDI Nexus: Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa Region, The 52nd annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Montreal, Canada, - June 2018.

■ FDI, Defense Spending and Economic Prosperity in the MENA Region, 13th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Ottawa, Canada - October 2018.


■ Implications of economic conditions on asset returns, The 84th International Atlantic Economic Conference. Montreal, Canada, - October 2017.

■ Demand for Military Expenditures in the MENA Region, The 51st annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association Nova Scotia’s St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Canada, - June 2017.

■ 12th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Ottawa, Canada - October 2017.


■ Determinants of Military Expenditures for Middle Power Nations. The 50th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association. Ottawa - June 2016.

■ A Dynamic Panel Analysis Using SIPRI’s Extended Military Expenditure Data: The Case of Middle Power Nations’. SIPRI EXPERT WORKSHOP ON MILITARY EXPENDITURE. SIPRI Institute Stockholm, Sweden, - January 2016.

■ 11th Defense and Security Economics Workshop, Carleton University, Ottawa, November 2016, (Discussant).


■ Monetary Policy in the Aftermath of Financial Crises. The 49th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association. June 2015. Toronto, May 2015.

■ 10th Defense and Security Economics Workshop, Carleton University, Ottawa, November 2016, (Discussant).


■ Financial Frictions and Monetary Policy Regimes in A Small Open Economy Under imperfect pass-through and Sticky Prices. The 48th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Vancouver, June 2014.


■ Inflation-Price-Level Targeting in a Small Open Economy with Imperfect Pass-Through. The 47th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association., Montreal. June 2013.


■ 7th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Kingston, Canada - November 2012.


■ Equity Premium Puzzle in a Data-Rich Environment, The 45th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, June 2011.

■ 6th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Kingston, Canada - November 2011.


■ A Model of Factors-Reference Preferences, The 45th annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, Montreal, June 2010.

■ 5th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Kingston, Canada - November 2010.


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