Teaching Activities   


“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” ― Aristotle


Welcome to my teaching page. Here you can find a brief overview of the courses I am currently teaching, with links to relevant teaching material and other useful information. On the sidebar, you might also find a sample course syllabus and sample lectures.

Current Teaching Activities

Teaching Material and Course Notes

These web pages contains lectures notes from some of the classes that I am teaching or have taught at RMC. These pages are restricted and credentials sent at the beginning of the term.

The classes are Econometrics, Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Applied Econometrics, Seminar in Economics and Graduate Economics for the MPA and MBA programs.

- ECE342: Econometrics    (Password Protected - Please use course credentials to access the restricted course pages )

- ECE442: Applied Econometrics    (Password Protected)

- ECF342: Économétrie    (Password Protected)

- AAF-ECF242: Introduction au Statistique    (Password Protected)

- ECE492: Economic Seminar    (Password Protected)

- MPA531: Economics    (Password Protected)

- MBA521: Economics    (Password Protected)

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Teaching Philosophy

As Phil Collins once said, 'In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.' I have thoroughly enjoyed my teaching experiences, and learned a lot from my students and from my interactions with them. My teaching philosophy is then a one based on a respect for the expertise and diversity of learning styles and educational goals of the students with whom I have the privilege of engaging in a co-learning experience. Over the years, number of them have chosen to pursue graduate studies in economics or in business administration, and I am thankful to have been a part of their decision- making process.


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Thesis Writing


Some Guidelines helping you to structure your seminar paper - BA Thesis (ECE/F492)

A critical part of your Thesis is relating your work to previous literature, namely the 'literature review'. In writing a literature review, you are not asked to summarize other papers, but provide a link between your work and what was done before on the subject. More advises on writing a good literature review are found here.

Some short advice on writing research articles by Andrew Gelman, found in his blog here.


Editing & Proofreading your Work

    Resources are available in the Writing Center to help you with editing and proofreading your papers.

Access to Data

Access to US and Canadian Data: You can have access to the US and Canadian Data using CHASS-CANSIM available through any computer in the campus, the links are:

    -  CANSIM

    You may also use the Federal Reserve System website to get US macro data using the Saint Louis Reserve Economic Data – FRED engine.

    -   Economic Research - St. Louis Fed – Access to US GDP and other national account variables, Bank Assets, Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, Industrial Activity, and more.

    Other US Data and Statistics can be found in different US Departments/Agencies websites

    - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Employment, productivity, working hours, and more.

    - U.S. Federal Reserve – Bank assets, exchange rates, interest rates, industrial activity, and more.

    - U.S. Treasury – Data, statistics, and charts on interest rates, economic trends, and the impact of fiscal policies.

    - U.S. Census Bureau – Historic and current economic trends, statistics by sector (e.g., construction), and more. Calculate basic/descriptive statistics online using the “Data Ferrett.”

    - U.S. Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis – GDP, balance of payments, “Economy at a Glance…”, and more. This agency produces the “Statistical Abstract of the U.S.” and related publications, available online or in the Reference room.

    - Council of Economic Advisors – Fact sheets and reports on current issues in the U.S. economy, ranging from the median cost of a college education to veterans’ skills and salaries.

    - Data.gov – National data on agriculture, education, manufacturing, and more, including geospatial data.

For International Economic Data and Statistics you can use the following links:

    - EIU Databases – Collection of databases containing historical, current, and forecast data and research reports on key markets and industries around the globe.

    - International Financial Statistics – Database maintained by the International Monetary Fund, with statistics on balance of payments, external trade, prices, and more for countries around the globe.

    - OECD iLibrary Statistics – Energy projections, migration data, and other country-level data and statistics.

    - World Bank Data – Data, statistics, and graphics on “key indicators” in debt, health, education, and more.

    - African Development Bank Data Portal – Statistics and interactive graphics on GDP, GNI/capita, inflation, and more for the continent of Africa.

    - Asian Development Bank – Data on key economic and social indicators for economically developing countries in Asia and Eastern Europe.

    - Inter-American Development Bank – Trade, inflation, debt, and other data for Latin American countries and beyond.



Using LaTeX to compile your seminar paper

LaTeX is a software system for typesetting text into high-quality pdf or dvi file format. This package is a free software helping to prepare documents for printing and for on-screen viewing. It is particularly strong for documents that involve a lot of mathematical expressions, while refining the general aspects of typesetting.

Text editing and LaTeX compiling:

There are several editors that can be used with a LaTeX compiler. The standard compiler seems to be MiKTeX. You can use it with a text editor, like TeXnicCenter (free) or Winedt (shareware, cost about $30, but you can use it in evaluation mode for free), wich are interface editors, you can also use Mathtype or TeXaide (free), which write mathematical language in WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) like Word Equation Editor does and then simply copy-and-paste into the LaTeX file that you are editing).
  • Texniccenter a feature rich and easy-to-use integrated environment for creating LaTeX documents on the Windows platform

  • WinEdt™ a powerful and versatile ASCII editor and shell for MS Windows with a strong predisposition towards the creation of [La]TeX documents...

  • MathType a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh

  • TeXaide a mathematical equation editor, that allows you to create complex LaTeX equations through simple point-and-click techniques.


Other resources :

  • Rtf2LaTeX2e – free software to convert from rtf (MS-Word) file to LaTeX. It saves a lot of work when converting existent papers written in Word like programs, but it is not perfect (tables, graphs, equations, and formats may not convert well).

  • LaTeX.org – information and free programs for lots of uses.

  • Ctan.org – information and free programs.


Writing Economics Papers: some advices

General advice on writing


Writing resources


Proper Reference and Citation Style for Economics Papers

Two styles are typical in Economics manuscripts and published articles. References in Economics should be listed alphabetically by first author's last name. When there is more than one author, only the first author's name in inverted (last name, first name). Subsequent authors‘ names should be listed with the first name first. The two main styles are:

Economists use the “science” citation convention of citing author and year in the text rather than the “humanities” convention of providing the full bibliographic entry in a footnote. In order to avoid plagiarism, the essence of this system of references is to give credit with a citation anytime you use someone else’s ideas.

References to sources should be placed in the main text, using the author’s or authors’ last name(s), and the year of publication. If your narrative uses the authors' names, you need only provide the year of publication in parentheses. Don't, however, forget that what we do in academia is verifiable and traceable. In this case, every work cited in the text must appear in the list of references at the end of your paper.


Part of your learning in the research seminar involves running a model estimation and I recommend using the EViews or Stata packages available at the Business Lab. Eviews, or Econometric Views, is an econometric software package designed to run on personal computers under the Windows/Mac OS operating systems. It takes advantage of the Windows/Mac OS graphical user interface for easy entry, manipulation, and analysis of data. Many operations in EViews are simplified by using the menu system. To select an item from the menu, simply use the mouse to move the tip of the pointer arrow over the item, then click the left-hand mouse button. For example, try clicking on Help. This causes a “submenu” to pop down. Now select “EViews Help Topics…” from this submenu. This causes the “EViews Help Topics” window to open.

A complete guide to Eviews can be found following this link.



Stata package is also available at the Art Lab as an option. Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides a good interface for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata is fast and easy to use. A good starting point is to follow these tutorials to lern the basics.

A complete guide to Stata can be found following this link.

Stata Corp. is also providing short video tutorials on using Stata found here.

Some links to other useful software:

  • Dynare Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic models, in particular dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping generations (OLG) models.
  • Calculators Online Center (Martindale) specialized statistical calculators
  • Econometrics Laboratory Software Archive (ELSA) Includes useful tutorials for SAS and other programs, downloadable datasets, archive of algorithms. From UC-Berkeley.
  • FairModel (Yale University) large scale US Macroeconomic Model
  • GAUSS Matrix programming language, with links to archives and guides.
  • Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS) Indexes Netlib archive, among others.
  • Maple Symbolic math program. Shareware applications available from Waterloo Maple.
  • Mathematica Symbolic math program. Download applications and enhancements from MathSource
  • MATLAB Symbolic math program.
  • NetLib Mathematical software archive.
  • RFE Software Links Excellent collection of links to relevant software
  • SAS Homepage of the popular statistical program. Download updates, enhancements, and help files.
  • SPSS Homepage of the popular statistical program.
  • Software for Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) and Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Statlib (Carnegie Mellon University) Software archive of programs for various packages. DATASETS link takes you to a wide-ranging sample of freely available data.
  • GRETEL Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library. A cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language, GRETEL is free, open-source software.
  • R Another free package - R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.

Economics Working paper and more ...

There is also a growing number of economic package, databases and information sites that you can access via the internet. For a general listing of all types of economic links on the world wide web, there are several good choices. These sites have links to economic data, papers and researchers working in a broad variety of fields in economics.



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Warning: Some informations contained in this document are in part recovered from the internet and all thanks go to those who spent their invaluable time providing it.

Page Last Updated : --- Friday, November 17/2017 ---


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